The only AIHA-LAP (lead/metals/asbestos in air) and NVLAP Lab Code 200051-0 (bulk asbestos) accredited laboratory in Puerto Rico.
- Computerized samples receiving LIMS system insuring sample tracking from time of receiving, analysis, QA/QC validation and final reports.
- State of the art analytical instruments operating automatically.
- Various QC levels that could be performed upon communication with the laboratory.
- AIHA-LAP, LLC¹ American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Programs For Metals, Lead and Fibers Analyses.
- NVLAP¹(Lab Code 200051-0) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program Under The National Institute Of Standards And Technology For Asbestos Fibers By PLM.
- EPA Recognized NLLAP Testing Lab¹ National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program For Dust, Soil, Air And Paint.

- Asbestos-PLM/PCM-NVLAP (Lab Code 200051-0) /AIHA-LAP
- Lead, metals in air-AIHA-LAP
- PCB, Petroleum Hydrocarbons
- Hazardous waste characterization-RCRA/TCLP and specific PR landfill requirements
- Soil, dust, paint, water, air analyses.